Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"A Girl Named Christmas" Review

Reviewer: Brenda Talley (Romance Studios)

Five Hearts: "Ms. Kimberlee Mendoza had a masterful slant on the plot of this story. She began with a scene on Christmas Eve, 1980, the year Chris would turn 40. She lived, as a spinster, with her next-oldest sister, Marty, around Lake Erie. These two characters were simple, loveable women who lived in their home peacefully with their cat named Mike. The other sisters, their mother, their pastor (from their youth) and their neighbors who tended their garden were all described through her overnight dream of her first 40 years. The tale was extraordinarily told and will provide some shocking, as well as tender and sorrowful, moments.

I loved this fast-paced story and its emotional outcome. Like me, you may think you know how the story will end, but you just might be shocked! Grab it and read it for a quick pick-me-up that will have you searching for other of Ms. Mendoza’s works."

Reviewer: Marlene (Fallen Angel Reviews)

Five Angels: "I loved this short story. Kimberlee Mendoza had my interest from start to finish. A Girl Named Christmas is a tale of second chances. It is well written, heartwarming and definitely something I’ll read again and again. It is a charming slice of life that is entertaining and enlightening. Lively characters, vivid images and an engaging plot all make A Girl Named Christmas by Kimberlee R. Mendoza a great read."
For the full review go to:

Reviewer: Bluegrass Romance Reviews

BRR Recommended Read: "A Girl Named Christmas is a beautiful love story from beginning to end. As Christmas’ relationship with Elijah unfolds, it warmed my heart to see her finally open up and take a chance on love. Ms. Mendoza shows the reality of life, with trials and heartache, through her characters giving them a highly believable quality that her readers will remember long after they read the last page. This is a highly recommended read that is perfect for the upcoming holiday season."
For full review go to

Reviewer: Cocktail Reviews

Three Flutes: "My favorite paragaph is:
A fresh snow blanketed the ground and the icicles held steady to the roofs, but the sun had begun to break through the gloom. Chris, bundled in at least three layers topped off with a purple wool hat and matching gloves…
This is a vivid section of prose that presents a perfect image of a wintry landscape."

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