Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Uncharted Waters Reveiws

Reviewer: Linda L. (Fallen Angel Reviews)

Five Angels: "Kimberlee R. Mendoza pens a wonderfully written read that engages the reader, melts the heart and makes one believe that miracles can happen in many ways when one isn’t really looking. This is one story that I would even love to see develop more into the budding relationship of two delightful characters that gingerly touch the heart, Beth and Mitchell." For full review, go to:

Reviewer: Dakota Rebel (Sensual Reads and Reviews)

Four Roses: "Uncharted Waters is a wonderfully sweet story. Kimberlee R Mendoza manages what many Christian writers can’t, to use religion in a story without coming across preachy. This story was beautifully written, and I highly recommend it to any romance readers."

Reviewer: Tarah Renee (Two Lips Reviews)

Four and a Half Lips: "Kimberlee R. Mendoza has sold me on the idea of Inspirational Romance. Beth has a deep core religious belief that she is unwilling to compromise and she finds a perfect compliment in Mitchell. I found the story heartwarming and tender and it made a wonderful quick read. This is a fabulous story!" For full review, go to:

Reviewer: Brenda Talley (Romance Studios)

Four and a Half Hearts: Ms. Kimberlee Mendoza has done a really good job of telling this story of few words without making it seem short. The minor characters are pivotal and certainly add to the story; they make the plot seem even more feasible. This is a believable tale that any unmarried person, male or female, can probably relate to. Is it possible that God has something (or someone) special for Beth’s future? I highly recommend this book! For full review, go to:

Reviewer: Kara Lynn Russell, Author (Sweetness & Light)

Recommended Read: "Kimberlee Mendoza does a wonderful job of capturing her characters anxiety over their perceived shortcomings and imperfections. I was not ready for this story to end when it did. It left me imagining what would happen next in the characters' lives. That's one of the best indicators of a great story, don't you think?"

Reviewer: Katherine (Joyfully Reviewed)

Recommended Read: "Unchartered Water is a feel good story of finding friendship and love. Beth’s lack of self-confidence in relationships had kept her alone. Watching Beth and Mitchell learn acceptance and love was a pleasure. I look forward to more stories like this by Ms. Mendoza."

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