Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Love thy Sister, Guard thy Man REVIEWS

Reviewer: BrandyWine (Enchanting Reviews)

Five Enchantments : "Love Thy Sister, Guard Thy Man by Kimberlee R. Mendoza is a wonderfully refreshing treat and glimpse into the life of a Teenage Christian trying to find her way in the world. Though Melena’s life has its ups and downs, her faith in God is inspiring. Thank you Ms. Mendoza for bringing us Melena and all the wonderful and very real characters of Love Thy Sister, Guard Thy Man."
For full review go HERE

Reviewer: Marlene (Fallen Angel)

Five Angels: "I very much enjoyed this story, for a number of reasons. First, it is true to life. I can see this happening, even between sisters. Competition for love can be fierce, regardless of family affiliation. Also, the characters are shown in a realistic light. There is no fairytale falling in love while the lights dim to this. It is typical older teenage behavior. The friends, especially April, are perfectly written. And the ending is a real tearjerker, with a moral and life lessons to be learned. I finished reading this with a smile on my face." For full review, go HERE

Reviewer: Tulip (Long and Short of It Reviews)

Four and a Half Books: "Ms. Mendoza penned an edifying story with highly likeable characters. Natural dialogues, clever and witty conversations -- things just seem to flow effortlessly. All you need to do is just go with the flow. I felt connected with the characters as I devoured the novel. It is definitely an easy-to-read treat and I am already looking out for more of her novels. I highly recommend this!" For full review, go HERE

Reviewer: Cherokee (Coffee Time Romance)

Four Cups of Coffee: "Love Thy Sister, Guard Thy Man is a sweet story of young love. The myriad of characters allows the reader to get to know each of them. I thought the romance that budded between Melena and Dylan was nicely done. The connection with Cassi gave it a spin allowing the reader to wonder if everything would backfire. Kimberlee R. Mendoza tells a story of love, devotion and family values. This refreshing and upbeat read is a story that many can relate to within a family of siblings. I found it most enjoyable." For full review, go HERE

Reviewer: Alice (Hello, My Name is Alice)

Highly Recommended: "I’m full of praise for Love Thy Sister, Guard Thy Man. I blame it all on Kimberlee Mendoza for my lack of sleep because I just had to know what will happen next. Every page screamed “read me!” and it took me a lot of effort to stop pushing myself. I finally relented and went to bed so that I would be able to wake up the next morning and go to work. I wish I could quit my day job and do just this: Read engaging stuff like Love Your Sister every day. The author penned a lovely and edifying story with highly likeable characters. Natural dialogues, clever and witty conversations -- everything just seem to flow effortlessly. All you need to do is just go with the flow. I feel connected with the characters as I devoured the novel. It is definitely an easy-to-read treat and I am already looking out for more of her works. I highly recommend this!"

For full review, go HERE

Reviewer: Michelle Sutton
(Edgy Christian Fiction Writers)
Recommended Read: "I enjoyed this sweet romance. It was incredibly engaging for a young adult novel and I found it hard to put down." For full review go HERE.

(Good Reads)
"I enjoyed this sweet romance. It was incredibly engaging for a young adult novel and I found it hard to put down. I loved that there was a lot of tension between the characters. It was also a powerful illustration of the sad reality of the damage divorce does to destroy trust in children and families." For full review go HERE.

Reviewer: Jaglvr (TeensReadToo.com)

Four Stars: Ms. Mendoza writes a sweet, simple, Christian love story. For those not used to a Christian bent to the romance, Ms.
Mendoza is never preachy or abundant with the religious overtones. But they are evident and heartfelt. Melena tries to do
right by God but the struggles with Dylan and her sister are real and ones that anyone with sibling rivalry can definitely
relate to. The plot moves quickly and leaves the reader siding with Melena when conflicts arise with her sister, Cassi.
For entire review go HERE.

Reviewer: Jill Williamson (Novel Teen Book Reviews)

Recommended: "I found this story sweet and entertaining. Kimberlee R. Mendoza writes realistic characters in an all-too-realistic situation: sibling rivalry. Even though she doesn’t always succeed—especially when Cassi pushes her too far—Melena always tries to do the right thing, and manages to love her sister despite all the horrible things she does. I turns out that unconditional love is just the thing Cassi needs in her life. This is the first book in the Russell Family series. I’m looking forward to book two." For full review go HERE.

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